Placez Library

You’re busy, we get it. Let Placez keep track of all your venues, site locations and rooms. Did we mention there’s no limit? Create to your heart’s content.
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Automatic Dimensions 
Manage Places In One Location 
Filter By Place Details 
Organize Different Scenes Per Place 

Placez Overview

Keeping track of everywhere you do business is a breeze with our built in placez library. Our integrated reporting provides details on the fly giving you insights on what “placez” you use the most, which are generating the most revenue and how many people can fit inside each one.

With unlimited placez available feel free to create a new place on every occasion, no matter the stage of the deal.

Place Details

It’s all in the details. All of your “placez” have their own page where you can not only update the picture and keep track of pertinent details, but see a list of all of the scenes you have created in that particular place.

Clicking on one of your past scenes will let you dive back in to reference a past design, clone one of your favorite  layouts or provide as an example to a new client. Being this organized has never been easier!

Easy Site Creation

Creating a new place is one of our most favorite features. By importing a pdf or picture of a floor plan you’re able to trace over all the walls with your finger on a tablet or a mouse/trackpad on your computer. You’re not confined to simple squares, go crazy capturing every nook and cranny of your sites to provide accurate representations to scale!

Once you’ve drawn it out, switch over to 3D mode to finish your design. Pick floor and wall colors, add windows and doors and lock any fixtures into place. Once you have your dream place, it’s time to get to designing!

Create Your Perfect Place

What are you waiting for? There is no limit on how many “placez” you can create fill out the form below so one of our account executives can help you start creating your own “placez” today!