When it comes to event planning, the devil is in the details. Guests might not notice when things go right, but they certainly notice when they go wrong, and delivering an exceptional experience means tending to every detail from start to finish. Providing a great experience as an event planner means you must manage and even micro-manage every single detail from way before the vent even begins until way after the event, and everything in between.
When it comes time to planning your next event, be sure to avoid these event planning mistakes.
Going over the budget
What can go wrong: Breaking the budget is pretty much a deal-breaker. It’s so easy to go over the budget you had set out for the event. Hidden fees, including taxes, permits, flight changes, and even traffic jams and finding alternate routes, can quickly snowball into a whole list of expenses. Spending too much money on an event can bring down net revenues from the event, and there is a possibility you would need to invest more money into the event that was meant for something else.
How to avoid it: Be sure the budget is always a factor in any decision you make. You want to make sure you are spending your money in the right areas and getting the best deals available to you. Using a spreadsheet for your conference planning will help you keep track of all the money that is being spent, so you are always aware of how much extra money you have leftover.
Not Having a Backup Plan
What can go wrong: You never know, but something might go wrong on your event day, and there are chances that the circumstances that caused this, are out of your control. Your speaker might not show up for your conference event; your technology systems malfunction or someone may get hurt. There are many ways people
How to avoid it: Mistakes are bound to happen, but if you are preparing yourself with an emergency plan, you can fix any mistake in a flash. So long as you have a backup plan in place for every critical element, nothing should prevent your event from going ahead. Always hope for the best, but plan for the worst!
Outdated technology
What can go wrong: Unfortunately, a lot can go wrong with an event when technology is not adequate to handle everything. Systems can go out, which can lead to a mass confusion of what is supposed to go on, and this confusion can lead to unhappy attendees. From ticketing to presentations, you don’t want technical difficulties interfering with your event.
How to avoid it: Way before the event is supposed to begin, make sure the technology team carries out a full run-through of all the systems to ensure everything is working accordingly. Also, make sure that you hire a reputable technology team to handle your event if any unforeseen problem arises. They can fix it right away without causing a disturbance.
Failing to Follow up
What can go wrong: Failing to follow up with those who attended your event can have a detrimental effect on any future events you may hold. Not reaching out to the attendees will make it easier for them to forget you. And when it comes time for you to want to host another event, and awareness and recognition for it is close to zero, it can take a lot of time and effort to bring that back up.
How to avoid it: Make it a priority to follow up with the event attendees. Have all your social media profiles for the event remain active after the event is over. Also, a way to keep people interested in you and your past event is to provide guests with a recap and access to any content that was available during the event. If applicable, solicit feedback from the attendees of the event to see what they enjoyed from the event, and what they would change for the next event. Creating this consistent contact with the guests of the event will make it easier for you to plug in your next event on any social media profile.