Just when we thought 2020 was going to be “the best year yet,” Coronavirus reared its ugly head. Due to the development of this virus and the serious precautions it has required, people have been forced to change their plans and lifestyles. These precautions involve not only intense handwashing, Netflix binging, and hysterical stockpiling of toilet paper, but also social distancing. Although during this crisis, practicing social distancing is extremely important when it comes to stopping the spread of the virus, it hasn’t been the best for the event planning industry. Interestingly enough, a pandemic virus doesn’t really make for great party conditions. While the canceling and postponing of events are not exactly what any event planner wants, it’s what is necessary to keep clients and guests healthy and safe!
Below are some initiatives event planners are taking in order to combat the effects of this virus:
Go Virtual
While this option is not ideal for all events such as weddings, birthdays, or more personal events in general, hosting a virtual event could be a great option. With technology being as advanced as it is today, we now have the ability to stream, webcast, and virtually meet with people from anywhere in the world. The social distancing requirement and highly contagious nature of this virus have resulted in canceled flights and events for thousands of people. Whilst there isn’t much we can do personally about the cancellation of flights, we can rethink the way we host events. Hosting events using live streams and webcasts could give attendees the opportunity to experience the event in the safety and comfort of their own home. With this option, you have total control over the guest’s experiences and interactions. Whether you want limited engagement or total involvement, you have the freedom to host the event of your choice.
Communication is Key
During a time of chaos, there is nothing more important than communication. This holds true, especially when there is already so much uncertainty. Depending on the size of events you’re used to managing, maintaining efficient communication with a large scale of people can be difficult. Not to mention, if people are panicking, anxious, and confused, communication will be even more trying. This is where an event management software comes into play. In a time where events are being canceled left and right and the world is taken over by hysteria, using a spreadsheet and notebook to manage events just isn’t going to cut it. An event management software does exactly what it says… It helps you manage your events easier! In most cases, they give you the ability to connect with all your attendees, employees, and vendors on the same platform. Having a solid event website is also essential during a time such as this. You may have been able to get away with a mediocre website in the past, but Coronavirus is making us step up our game. Your website is a place that reflects your business and its standards. Be sure to use your site to speak on where you stand during this crisis and what your client’s options are. Communication is key!
The Show Must Go On
So, let’s say you decide to be a rebel and host events anyway. Although many of you may think that this is crazy and wouldn’t even consider it… Many event planners are pushing through and keeping it going. While hosting large events isn’t recommended, there are some measures you can take to host smaller events safely. Some of these measures include a “no contact” policy and extra signage to reinforce hand washing and no face touching. In order to keep a light-hearted but on-brand event, many event planners are giving out fun swag bags. In a time of distress, it’s important to remember to have fun (while still being safe and smart, of course). These swag bags could include branded tissues, gloves, soap, sanitizer, and masks. With all this aside, it’s important to be smart and cautious, especially when people’s health is involved. If you’re feeling unsure or nervous about hosting an event, don’t feel forced to go through with it because of the pressure. In the end, you can always reschedule an event. Your health and safety are what’s most important.